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Good news stories from our community

As well as all the wonderful volunteers who have come forward to help with the Parish Council help scheme, who have been very busy collecting shopping from the Spar, picking up prescriptions, phoning vulnerable people and helping with post and IT queries there have also been some other amazing things going on locally.

Lilly-Grace from Carnon Downs has now raised over £400 for the NHS by selling her cakes! More cakes on sale next Monday 4th May from her stall in her garden at 2 Woon Lane in Carnon Downs. If anyone would like to donate any baked goods to sell please drop them round to them on the Sunday or you can donate online too

Anthony from Mr G's Driving School has been doing free deliveries around the parish on his bicycle orders of Baker Toms Bread, Penny's Pies, Dynimate Valley Beer and Primary Bakery (Anthony is taking bulk orders for Prima) have all been delivered. If you'd like to place an order you can find Anthony's contact details in the Food & Supplies list on our website. Anthony also delivered free pasties, hot cross buns and sausage rolls to isolated residents and an NHS worker as an Easter treat! Next deadlines for Prima orders this Friday, 1st May.

Domino's Pizza have been delivering free pizzas to care homes and NHS staff, they also very kindly provided pizzas for tea for the staff and residents at the Spectrum home in Carnon Downs and also to the staff at Carnon Downs Spar as a thank you for their hard work in supporting the community.

Linden Hey Garden Tea Rooms, Martin and Nina have been very busy cooking hot meals and arranging delivery and with meals delivered over the Easter weekend included a complimentary Easter egg!

Carnon Downs Community Association delivered 50 Easter Eggs to elderly residents in Carnon Downs that they'd already purchased before lockdown for the village Easter Egg hunt which had to be cancelled.

We are sure there are other amazing things going on that we don’t know about in the community, please tell us so we can tell everyone else — well done everyone for your amazing efforts in supporting our community!

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