"Your Choice" Grants 2018/19
The Parish Council runs a grant scheme available to local groups and charities, this is a Participatory
Budgeting Scheme which gives local residents a say in which local groups and charities the Parish Council
supports, by allowing them to vote online and on paper voting slips.
Voting for the "Your Choice" 2018/19 results announced!
The Parish Council are delighted to announce that all the groups who applied for funding have been successful, the groups and their projects are as follows.
Devoran Gardening Club, Devoran Spring Flower show, Devoran Village Hall - Replacement staging - £300 - view presentation
Devoran Explorers - Expedition equipment - £400
Carnon Downs Memory Café - Outing to the Shipwreck Centre at Charlestown plus other ongoing entertainment and rental of village hall - £400 - View presentation
Carnon Downs Community Association - Christmas lights for village - £400 - View presentation
Feock Home & Garden Society - Pop up banner for village show and meetings - £150 - View presentation
Details of previous Your Choice grants can be found using the links below.
Your Choice Grants 2015/16