Road closures in Carnon Downs for resurfacing works
Resurfacing works have started today (2tgh) in Carnon Downs, there are more details below about the works being carried out and the roads affected. The dates for the road closures in Carnon Downs are today (25th), Friday 26th and Tuesday 30th August.
BUS ROUTE The buses are not stopping at the Forth Coth stop (concrete bus shelter) but instead are coming across Tregye Road and then stopping at the glass bus shelter outside of the Village Hall.
For enquiries regarding the surfacing works, please email:
You can report an issue on a road, highway or footway on the Cornwall Council website:
If there is an issue which is a threat to public safety, please telephone0300 1234 222 (24 hour service) giving details of the location.
More details available online